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Sparta's Media Hub



November Spartan of the Month: Tolga Komur

Despite studying a technology based degree, Tolga was unsuccessful in landing a role in the industry. That was until he discovered Sparta Global. Since becoming a Spartan in 2020, Tolga has achieved great things as a manual tester for a global software company. Read his story below...

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Five current cyber security trends

In this week's blog, Sparta Global have highlighted five current cyber security trends. Discover the most common ways cyber attacks occur, and how we can prevent them from happening...

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Five recent cyber hacks

Here at Sparta Global, we are committed to training passionate individuals in cyber security, to ensure a safer digital space. In this blog, Sparta Global focus on some of the biggest cyber attacks of 2022, read below to find out more...

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Sparta Global named top 20 employer for social mobility

December 6, 2022, London: Sparta Global – a provider of technology training and careers for emerging talent in the UK – has today been announced as a top 20 employer in the largest-ever Social Mobility Employer Index.

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Sparta Global wins BVCA ‘Vision 2022’ growth award

Sparta Global has been recognised by the British Private Equity & Venture Capital Association (BVCA)'s ‘Vision 2022’ initiative, for exceptional performance in 2021 across growth, competitiveness, innovation and ESG factors.

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Helping girls get into coding

When gender equality meets environmental efforts: Inspiring the next generation of Girls Into Coding to help the climate crisis...

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5 Reasons To Be a Software Developer

Sparta Global has narrowed down the many reasons as to why you should become a software developer to just 5! Read below to find out more...

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Young Adult Tech Foundation IT Conference

Sparta Global were invited to the first Young Adult Tech Foundation IT Conference. We were thrilled to meet so many talent and engaged young people with a flair for technology. Read below to discover more...

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Learn to code for free this Codemas!

Get the gift of Coding this Holiday season! Sparta Global is running a 4-week workshop to teach you to code in C#

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October Spartan of the Month: Hannah Dyson

After studying Economics and Geography at the University of Reading, Hannah discovered Sparta Global. Read more about her journey to become a Business Analyst at a huge public sector organisation...

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